250+ Love Shayari in English Language 

Love Shayari in English Language

How lovely the love is! Love, in general, defies categorization since it is indescribable. But Love Shayari might help you establish a better romantic connection with the person. It’s similar to pumping love into your partner’s heart by squeezing out of your own. We are happy to inform you that your hunt for the perfect Love Shayari in English Language ends here. We explore more unusual and passionate love shayaris in this Mastkhabar blog post.

Love Shayari in English Language

  • I never thought love to be so much special 
    until I met you…! 
  • Every time I see you,  
    I feel like I conquered the world.  
  • You reside deep in my heart 
    and in my soul. 
  • My love for you  
    knows no bounds.  
  • My love for you is just like  
    a blanket of tremendous creation.  
  • You know you pickpocket my heart.  
  • All things fluctuate, but I promise my love for you is fixed. 
    In this running world,  my love for you is stationary. 
  • Thank you for loving me always 
    without any ifs or buts! 
  • Love me like the sky loves the stars. 
  • You make me fall for you, every hour, every minute, and every second. 
  • My day begins with prayers for you and ends with gratitude for having you. 
  • My immense love has always been for you, with unconfined boundaries.  
  • I wish I could be with you, for a lifetime. 
  • All I know is that you are stuck in my head like a song, unknowingly but constantly.  
  • Honeybees would be jealous, you’ve got a voice so sweet.  
  • There are flowers in our irises that bloom every time we meet. 
  • You are a flower to me, I assure you that you’ll always bloom. Love overflows inside me, 
    see it with my shining eyes! 
  • You are a letter of hope in the concentration camps, a solitary flower in a barren land, 
    and a poem that makes me complete. 
  • You are magic to me, in a world, too ordinary.  
  • It’s not less than magic to see, what your presence does to me. 
  • Hold my heart forever, as you hold my hands.
  • I run out of words when you’re with me, although I write for a living, but believe me, I live for you.  
  • You are someone, who wouldn’t choose to break my heart. 
  • My eyes widen and shine, whenever I see your face. 
  • Love for you has always been a person, it’s admiring how that person has always been you. You are my sun, bringing a sparking light to my dull life.  
  • I guarantee to make you smile on your bad days.  
  • Holding hands in busy streets, and holding them tight at the end of a busy week, is my kind of showing love.  
  • I’ll always be there in every core of your life, whether happy or sad, it doesn’t matter.  
  • I’ve been clumsier than ever since the day we met. I’m carefree now – knowing I’ve found someone careful with my heart. and at the end of the day, when we both may be tired but not so tired to run out of love for each other.  
  • My soul will turn into a shooting star, and every inch of my being will shine for you.  
  • Your presence has created pleasure in my heart, there’s so much of me that existed after you.  
  • Your colors cover all the corners of my heart, there are shades of you in the way I talk, and there’s so much of you in the morning sky, how can even I think to leave you when you are synonymous with beauty for me? 
  • When everything beautiful is everything, you are! 
  • when everything is gorgeous, will always remain a little less gorgeous than you! 
  • I mean you know what you mean to me…! 
  • I give you my words to love you on the days when life stops making sense and also, on the days when it does. 
  • I will hold you closer than the moon holds its shine, the ocean holds its depth, and the temples hold statues of the divine.  
  • I feel love is not a trophy you have to fight for but a gift someone wants to give you every day without you having to ask them for it, and I promise to be like that.  
  • I can love you, in sentences and silence, in prose and poetry, in thunderstorms and peace, that eventually comes. 
  • I can love you more than the ones who have loved nobody more than me 
  • I can love you with the kind of sincerity, that can make anyone wonder what they have done to deserve a love like that. 
  • You are no less than the rain to my flowers, you learned the language of my soul, but today we care about each other more than ourselves, this is love, I guess? 
  • You are someone who made me realize that love stories do exist, you just need to find the right person.  
  • Whenever your sadness will stop the sunshine from entering your heart, 
  • I promise to walk in instead. 
  • Your attention adds sparkle to my eyes and turns my cheeks into flamingo pink, your love always ensures me my worth.  
  • You make me believe that despite the storms and the rains you’ll come back to me and will stay forever. 
  • My favorite color will always be the sky after storms, that of my life after you. 
  • When we are together, there may be times when things can be out of place, but our hearts are always home. 
  • I would sew a whole new sky if this one refused to let us fly together. I’d do anything to be with you. 
  • Let me be the petals that adorn your soul, and don’t ask me to leave. 
  • The world finds us beautiful together,  even I am too grateful for being with you.  
  • At the end of the day, the stars in the sky and the stars in my soul will continue to shine, only if I am with you. 
  • I love you more than the fictional characters 
    you’re so deeply in love with  
    and pluck all the flowers in the world 
    and turn them into an endless carpet for you.
  • I can cage stars into boxes, 
    and gift wrap them, 
    and send them to you 
    and always fathom your depths.

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